A Time for Reflection

I am in my happy place and traipsing everywhere and anywhere I can see the Hudson River. Last weekend, I spent three absolutely perfect days at the Mariondale Center in a writing retreat in Ossining, NY. Not only was it on the Hudson, but I could see the Tappan Zee Bridge (I know, it’s called something else now. What is that name? HA!)

The quietness of the center is something to experience. Rising early to view the morning light on the water and taking time to write before speaking with other writers at breakfast proved enlightening to me. Who knew that a day starting without TV news could be so productive?

Walking the stunning grounds with large dogwoods and a small family of deer engaged in play was made better only with the large mug of coffee I carried. The cacophony of music from the birds tried to drown out my thoughts, and I finally escaped into the Healing Hut for a little solitude.

Something magical happens in a group of strangers when writers suddenly bare their souls and show their vulnerabilities. Many of us cried relating our truths and many of us roared with laughter at funny memories. I am grateful that I was able to spend time with each of them and learn their stories. We will be sure to keep in touch on our Facebook page.

Before I left the center, I walked the labyrinth on the grounds. I have always wanted to experience this ancient practice of walking meditation. For those unfamiliar, labyrinths are a way to quiet the mind, encourage creativity, and reduce stress, among other things. It is not a maze; there is a path to follow. For those who find it hard to just sit and think, this encourages you to move while you think. What a concept for those of us who find it hard to quiet our minds to create.

I thought I would get more writing done. Instead, what I realized is that I left with a calmness and ability to focus. The calmness and the peaceful therapy of nature are what I truly valued.

‘Til next time,

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